Monday, February 11, 2013

Haven't packed yet....

I should be out and about. I need to get to the bank. Then I have to get to REI for some serious bug spray. I also might need a bigger suitcase. But here I am at home making sure I remember how to blog from my iPad!!!! It's taken a bit of time, but it's all coming back to me. Blogging from an iPad is a little more complicated because of the photo piece. I downloaded Blogsy for my photo application. I think the marine iguanas would be miffed if they didn't make an appearance on this blog. But for now, I'm very unpacked. Procrastination rules.


The good news is that I have cat care all lined up for my little felines. Nancy and Courtney will both check in on Sushi and Suri. Animals are so precious!



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